Week 3

Day 1
Sunflower print- how to sign a print

Day 2 Sunflower print- sign correctly, pattern worksheet

Day 3
Explain printing process: tools, brayer, ink, palette, spread out newspapers, sign up sheet, ink in small jars, use butter knife. Printing was OK in small class like 6th, we set up 2 printing areas. In 7th a disaster! Many students needed my personal help, paper ran out, many printing wrong without me there to supervise, must set up 1 printing area and 2 assignments! Must give special assignments to Jayce, Prestyn and _______. Coloring in or fingerprinting.

Day 4
Continue sunflower print- begin pattern worksheet

Make UTIPS vocab test.

Project a WEEKLY starter sketch with vocab!

Remember, binders are handy, but get numbers on them right away!

Give the kids regular 3-hole punched paper, they don't need sketchbooks in this class- it could even be nice sketch paper.

Sunflower Print

How to sign a print

5 views of an onion monoprint

Apple Print

Begin the History of Printmaking

Week 2

Print Binders

Draw Sunflowers in sketchbooks

Styrofoam flower print

5 views of an onion- contour line
Wecome to Printmaking!

I am happy to have this opportunity to create prints with each of you!

Some of the things we will be doing in class will be:
Learn to draw

This is where we get the artwork for our prints.... from your sketchbooks!

Learn may ways to create prints.

Learn how to correctly sign a print.

Study and enjoy the work of great printmaking artists.

Understand and appreciate printmaking history.

Learn printmaking vocabulary.

Explore art & museum sites on the computer, and create computer printed art.

We will represent Mount Logan Middle School with beautiful art!

We will become a classroom community- this comes next..........

Our Artroom Rules

To insure that the MLMS artroom is a safe and enjoyable environment for all, the following rules must be followed:
Be respectful.
Clean up.
Use materials/equipment responsibly.
Stay in your assigned seat during art production time

WE follow the same rules that are in the MLMS Student Handbook.

MLMS art students are graded on how well they achieve the learning objectives for each assignment or project. They are also graded on following directions, craftsmanship, originality and completion of preliminary work and self- assessment.

All assignments and assessments are evaluated using the standard rubric:
4 - exemplary, 3 - accomplished, 2 - developing, 1 - beginning

Expectations are for all students to reach a level of 3 or greater on all work. Whenever less than a 3 is indicated the work may be redone to show the student has increased their level of understanding. 10 points per day will be deducted from all late work. Professional artists have to be on time!

Life Skills

Students will receive scores using the 1-4 ratings as described above in the following areas:
• Participation
• Work ethic
• Collaborative skills
• Courtesy/Respect

You will be expected to respect the Artroom and all supplies, and clean up art materials. I hope no one will want to harm or destroy expensive art materials. There is no longer a 6th grade art program because of budget cuts.

Our materials are expensive and special, and will enable you to have success with art. If anyone is found to be harming material, this is vandalism, and I will refer you to Detective Argyle. This is a serious thing to do. Please take care of our room and supplies!

C o n s e q u e n c e s
Occassionaly a few students choose to ignore the art rules and behave poorly. In these cases, (depending on severity and frequency of poor behavior) the consequences for the student may be as follows:
Verbal warning
Conference with the teacher
Seat change
Temporary removal from artroom
Alternate assignment
Contact parent(s)
Behavior contract
Office referral
Permanent removal from class

Artroom procedures

When you arrive, put your backpack in the front of the room. Pick it up again after dismissal.

At the end of each class period, a cleanup job will be assigned. Be sure to do it, it's part of your grade. All table groups must be washed each day before leaving, and chairs tucked in. Each class can then arrive to a cheerful and clean artroom.

About your teacher, Mrs. Rouse

I have loved art since I was very young, and I have worked as an artist for many years.
After I graduated from college, I became a stained glass artist.

Then I became a graphic artist! That is an artist that produces artwork such as logos, illustration, and poster design -

I like to teach summer school. I have even taught art in a barn at The American West Heritage Center!

My favorite job ever, is teacher here at Mount Logan Middle School!

I look forward to a successful trimester with each of you in Printmaking!

Week 1

Day 1
Choose your seats
Review disclosure on projector


Get to know you & Summer Memories that tell me about you

Day 2

Get to know you
Get supplies- sketchbook- how to sketch

Day 3
What is Printmaking ppt.

Day 4
Flower sketching- sunflowers