Week 7

Insect Print
Day 1
a page of 10 thumbnail sketches

Watch Block printing DVD

Fold page in fourths- one nice one or a pattern on each section- try positive negative too. Choose your best

Day 3
Get EZ Cut, put drawing on tracing paper- transfer to EZ Cut.

Friday- Computers
Go to Artist Toolkit positive negative space- create animal face with shape- one symmetrical, another one assymetrical

Positive negative

intro artists toolkit- space pos & neg!

paper balck & white fold in half reverse image on each side

This could work on the computer with black & white letter forms!

Week 6

Logo print
(insect print should come before logo print- so they can see the DVD about cutting & printing EZ cut.)

Personal Logo stamp

page of 10 ideas

show Logo ppt.

Week 5


5 views of an onion monoprint


Andy Warhol self-portrait

Week 4

Leaf scratchboard OR Andy Warhol portraits while watching DVD--after

begin new scratchboard art with crayons & tempera paint or ink

engraving ppt.

hisory of printmakingppt

Pattern scratch art worked well
line, shape,space color

principles variety contrast talk about steven speilburg's scene from Jurrasic Park- contract- ask them why this is contrats

Leaf scratch-art

Day 1
Patterns first

do pattern worksheet

Day 2
scratchboard pattern squares

Have maple leaves etc. ready

Divide into sections

a different pattern in each section

Day 3
Animal patterns- Durer

Day 4
Animal patterns